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W.A.Mozart K 339 "Laudate dominum"


W.A.Mozart K 339

"Laudate dominum"



Performed at Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore,

Rome 9.12.2000

Soprano - Annarita Taliento

Coro Sinfonico Lirico Romano - direttore Stefano Cucci
Orchestra Regionale del Lazio - direttore Ferdinando Nazzaro



Uploaded by on 6 May 2011






Laudate Dominum omnes gentes
Laudate eum omnes populi
Quoniam confirm!!!ata est supernos
misericordia ejus


Et veritas Domini manet inaeternum
Gloria Patri et filio et spiritui sancto
sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper
et in saecula saeculirum Amen.



                                                       주님을 찬미하라 모든 민족들아

주님을 찬미하라 모든 백성들아

영원하신 사랑 우리 위에 넘치고

자비로운 마음 끝없네.

주님의 진리 영원하시다.

영광이 성부와 성자와 성령께

처음과 같이 이제와 항상




Praise the Lord, all nations,

Praise him, all peoples.

For his mercy And the truth of the Lord remains in eternity.

Glory be to the Father, and the Son,

and the Holy Ghost.As it was in the beginning,

is now and ever shall be,

World without end.




As per suji's kind advice,from u tube,

this music posted here for the recall of the day(?)

& presented to me as her token(?)gift

on that day,Jan 18