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Opera,Aria,Chorus 1

Tchaikovsky, 6 Romances, Op. 6

      Tchaikovsky, 6 Romances, Op. 6 "None but the lonely heart"로 우리에게 친근한 Tchaikovsky의 작품번호 6번, 6 Romances. 허나 전곡을 같이 들을 수 있는 기회는 드물다. 하여, 여기 간단한 내용의 소개와 함께 전곡을 싣는다. 1. Don't believe, my friend (Не верь, мой друг) 2. Not a word, my friend (Ни слова, о друг мой) 3. It is painful and sweet (И больно, и сладко) 4. A tear trembles (Слеза дрожит) 5. Why? (Отчего?) 6. None but the lonely heart (Нет, только тот, кто знал) 1. Ne ver' moj drug (Do Not Believe My Friend) - Christianne Stotijn 더 이상 사랑하지 않는다 말 할지라도 날 믿지 마오. 해변에 밀물이 들어오듯 난 반드시 그대에게 돌아올테니. Ne ver' moj drug Text: Aleksey Tolstoy Ne ver' moj drug, kogda v poryve gorja Ja govorju, chto razljubil tebja! V otliva chas ne ver' izmene morja, ono k zemle vorotitsja, ljubja. Uzh ja toskuju, prezhnej strasti polnyj, Svoju svobodu vnov' tebe otdam. I uzh begut obratno s shumom volny Izdaleka k ljubimym beregam. Don't believe, my friend Don't believe, my friend, when in a surge of sorrow I say I don't love you any more! In the hours of ebb don't believe that the sea has betrayed - It will be back to the shore filled with love. I'm already longing, full of the same old passion, I'll give my freedom back to you again, And now the waves are running back with roaring From a distance to the beloved shoreline. 2. Ni slova, o drug moj (Not a word, O my friend) - Dmitri Hvorostovsky 무덤가에 선 두 사람, 이제 행복은 영원히 사라졌음을 인식한다. Ni slova, o drug moj Original Text: Aleksey Pleshcheyev Not a word, my friend, not a sigh: Let us be silent together, As silent as the weeping willows That lean over a gravestone. As they bow down they understand What I too read in your heart: That there have been days of bright happiness, And that happiness has now gone. Not a word, my friend, not a sigh: Let us be silent together, As silent as the weeping willows That lean over a gravestone 3. I bol'no, i sladko (It is painful and sweet) - Elena Obraztsova 새 사랑의 설레임, 아픔이자 또한 기쁨이다. I bol'no, i sladko Text: Yevdokiya Rostopchina I bol'no, i sladko, kogda pri nachale ljubvi to serdce zab'jotsja ukradkoj, to v zhilakh techet likhoradka, i bol'no, i sladko; to zhar zapylajet v krovi... I bol'no, i sladko! Prob'jot chas svidan'ja, - potupja predatel'nyj vzor, v volnen'je, v tomlen'je neznan'ja bojish'sja, zhelajesh' priznan'ja, - i v muku svidan'je! Nachnjosh' i prervjosh' razgovor... I v muku svidan'je! Ne vymolvish' slova... Nemejesh', robejesh', drozhish'; dusha, proklinaja okovy, vsja v rechi izlit'sja gotova... Net sily, net slova, i tol'ko gljadish' i molchish'! I sladko, i bol'no... I trepet bezumnyj zatikh; i serdcu legko i razdol'no... Slova polilis' by tak vol'no, i sladko, i bol'no, no slushat' uzh nekomu ikh. I sladko, i bol'no, i sladko, i bol'no. 4. Sleza drozhit (A tear trembles) - Pavel Lisitsian 넌 낭패하며 질투한다, 내가 널 떠났다고. 나의 사랑은 제한될 수 없다. 허나 슬퍼말라, 우리가 죽는 날, 우린 다시 사랑으로 합해질터니. Sleza drozhit Text: Aleksey Tolstoy Sleza drozhit v tvojom revnivom vzore... O, ne grusti, ty vsjo mne doroga! No ja ljubit' mogu lish' na prostore, moju ljubov', shirokuju, kak more, vmestit' ne mogut, net! vmestit' ne mogut zhizni berega. O, ne grusti, moj drug, zemnoje minet gore, pozhdi jeshchjo, nevolja nedolga. V odnu ljubov' my vse sol'jemsja vskore, v odnu ljubov', shirokuju, kak more, chto ne vmestjat, net! chto ne vmestjat zemnyje berega. A tear trembles I see a tear in your jealous sight... Oh, don't yearn; you're still dear to me! But I can love only in expanse, And my love, as wide as a sea, Cannot fit into the shores of life. Oh, don't yearn, my darling; the troubles of life will end soon, Just wait a bit more... the bondage is not long. We all will interflow into one Love soon, Into Love, which is as wide as a sea, Which cannot fit into the shores of life. 5. Otchevo (Why) - Christianne Stotijn 넌 왜 날 떠난거니? 내 삶은 무덤보다 더 우울하구나. 같은 곡, Galina Vishnevskaya의 늦은 tempo의 버젼이 특이하여 음원(<- Click)을 첨부한다. Otchevo? Original Text: Heinrich Heine Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? o sprich mein Lieb warum? Warum sind denn im grünen Gras die blauen Veilchen so stumm? Warum singt denn mit so kläglichem Laut, die Lerche in der Luft? Warum steigt denn aus dem Balsamkraut verwelkter Blütenduft? Warum scheint denn die Sonn' auf die Au, so kalt und verdrießlich herab? Warum ist denn die Erde so grau, und öde wie ein Grab? Warum bin ich selbst so krank und trüb? Mein liebes Liebchen sprich O sprich mein herzallerliebstes Lieb, warum verliessest du mich? why? Oh, why are now the roses so pale Oh say, my love, say why Why now in the grass of the greening val Dumb the blue violets lie? Why fills the sky with such doleful soun Yon lark aloft in air Why breathes the thyme from each sunny moun A corpselike odor there? Why shines the sun on the meads today So coldly, in sullen gloom And why is now the earth so grey And dismal as a tomb? And why am I now so sick and so drear My dearest love, reply Oh say, my dearest of all most dear Why didst thou leave me, why? 6. Net, tol'ko tot, kto znal (None but the lonely heart) - Olga Borodina 누군가를 그렇게 열정적으로 원해본 적이 있는 사람만 나의 이 고통을 이해하리. Net, tol'ko tot, kto znal Original Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt Weiss, was ich leide! Allein und abgetrennt Von aller Freude, Seh ich ans Firmament Nach jener Seite. Ach! der mich liebt und kennt, Ist in der Weite. Es schwindelt mir, es brennt Mein Eingeweide. Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt Weiss, was ich leide! None but the lonely heart None but the lonely heart Can know my sadness Alone and parted Far from joy and gladness Heaven's boundless arch I see Spread out above me Oh what a distance drear to one Who loves me None but the lonely heart Can know my sadness Alone and parted Far from joy and gladness Alone and parted far From joy and gladness My senses fail A burning fire Devours me None but the lonely heart Can know my sadness 3/5/13 musicgarden