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Brenders Carl (1937- ) / 귀소(歸巢)


Brenders Carl

Belgian naturalist painter

born in 1937 

 The Predators Walk




 누구나 오래
안 잊히는 것 있다

낮은 처마 밑
떠나지 못하고 서성대던
생솔가지 태운 냉갈내며
밥 자치는 냄새

누구나 한번쯤
울고 싶은 때 있다

먹물 와락 엎지른 창문에
켜지던 등불
두세두세 이야기 소리

마음 먼저 멀리 떠나보내고
몸만 눕힌 곳이 끝내
집이 되곤 하였다



귀소(歸巢)             . . . . . . . . . .           나태주 






The Nesting Season


Colorful Play ground



 Summer Roses



Nosing Around



White Elegance


Harvest Time Chipmunk


Autumn Gentleman


Polar Bear

Broken Silence

The Apple Lover

Golden Season Gray Squirrel
Black Capped Chickadees


Calm Before the Challenge

Carl Rock Camp


Double Trouble

Down for the Count end

Full House Fox Family

Ghostly Quiet Spanish Lynx

l Miles to to Before He Sleeps

The Garden Visitor
Indian Summer Bugling Elk

Violet Trails and Cottontails
Secret Journey. Omar

 2017.1.28. Creamrose