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Parle Moi - Isabelle Boulay -





Parle-Moi / Isabelle Boulay


Je ne sais plus comment te dire
Je ne trouve plus les mots
Ces mots qui te faisaient rire
Et ceux que tu trouvais beaux


J'ai tant de fois voulu t'écrire
Et tant de fois courbé le dos
Et pour revivre nos souvenirs
J'ai même aussi frôlé ta peau


Oh, dis-moi
Je ne sais plus comment t'aimer
Ni comment te garder


Oui parle-moi
Je ne sais plus pourquoi t'aimer
Ni pourquoi continuer


Tu es là
Mais tu es si loin
De moi


Je ne sais plus comment poursuivre
À cet amour qui n'en est plus
Je ne sais plus que souffrir
Souffrir autant que j'y ai cru


Mais je sais qu'il me faut survivre
Et avancer un pas de plus
Pour qu'enfin cesse la dérive
Des moments à jamais perdus


Oh, dis-moi
Je ne sais plus comment t'aimer
Ni comment te garder


Oh, dis-moi
Il y a la vie dont on rêvait
Celle qui commençait

Oh, parle-moi
Je ne sais plus pourquoi t'aimer
Ni comment continuer


Oh, dis-moi
Oh, dis-moi
Dis-moi, si tout est terminé
Si je dois m'en aller


Oh, parle-moi





Talk to me


I don't know how to tell you anymore
I don't find any words anymore
This words that made you laugh
And those that you found beautiful


I wanted to write to you so often
And so often I slouched my shoulders
And to revive our memories
I have brushed your skin as well


Oh, tell me
look at me
I don't know anymore how to love you
or how to look after you


talk to me
yes talk to me
I don't know anymore why I should love you
nor how to continue


You are here
but you are much further away
from me


I don't know anymore how to chase
this love which isn't anymore
I don't know anymore how to suffer
suffer as much as I believed into


But I know that I have to survive
and take but a step more
so that this drift of forever lost
moments would finally end


Oh, tell me
look at me
I don't know anymore how to love you
or how to look after you


Oh, tell me
look at me
there's a life of which we were dreaming
which was about to begin


Oh, talk to me
talk to me
I don't know anymore how to love you
or how to continue


Oh, tell me
oh, tell me
tell me, if everything is over
if I must walk away now


Oh, talk to me
talk to me
look at me
look at me
look at me
look at me