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Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Mansell / Time Life Pictures / Getty

Inspirational Leader
Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov, known by his revolutionary nom de guerre, Lenin, inspired a small cadre of Communist intellectuals to agitate amongst the workers and soldiers of Petrograd, today's St. Petersburg. In this photo, his close associate Leon Trotsky stands at the right of the podium.


Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Hulton / Getty

Soldiers sympathetic to the Bolshevik cause carry banners bearing Marxist slogans. Lenin and his co-conspirators found a welcome audience among the Imperial troops. Sent by the czar to fighting a losing war in the freezing winter, they were quick to accept the message that they were being exploited.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR

Gunned Down
Government troops open fire on a worker's protest in Petrograd in July of 1917. The shootings only served to further anger the citizens of Petrograd.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Hulton / Getty

Mass Appeal
A student demonstration through the streets of the Petrograd attracts soldiers and women.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Keystone / Getty

Soldiers loyal to the leftists take up positions outside the Winter Palace, the residence of the czar and his family.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR

Portraits of the czar, his father and grandfather, are ripped from the walls in Petrograd.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Soldiers parade in front of the Winter Palace.
Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Hulton / Getty

Lenin (center) poses with two of his co-conspirators, Joseph Stalin (left) and Mikhail Kalinin.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Krasnogorsk / Agency.Photographer.ru

The Petrograd Soviet
In the heady days leading up to October, the Bolsheviks were just one of many groups agitating for the overthrow of the government. Several parties attended this meeting of soldiers' deputies. The banner at the left reads, "Down with Lenin and Co."

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Keystone / Getty

The Bolsheviks pass out their newspaper in the days after the coup.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR

Party Organ
Lenin sits at this desk with an edition of Pravda, the Bolshevik Party's principle newspaper. The name translates as "Truth."

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Hulton / Getty

Lenin and his cadre dared not cancel an election for a constituent assembly that had been scheduled long before the coup. In the voting, the Bolsheviks garnered 24 percent, while their arch-rivals, the Social Revolutionaries, got much more support, with 40 percent. The first and only meeting of the assembly was broken up by sailors sympathetic to the Bolshevik cause.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR

Civil War
A "Red" Army unit (i.e. one loyal to the Bolsheviks) marches through Kharkov. In order to secure control over the entire country, Lenin and his supporters had to wage a four-year war against the "Whites," a loose coaltion of all who opposed them.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR

The Civil War pushed the country into chaos. Food supplies evaporated, and citizens were forced to roam the country by cart and train in search of food.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Krasnogorsk / Agency.Photographer.ru

Soldiers loyal to the Bolsheviks load their wounded onto a train after battling sailors garrisoned at a fort in Kronstadt, near Petrograd. The uprising of the sailors against the newly formed government was the last rebellion against Bolshevik rule and its suppression is regarded as the final battle of the Civil War.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Bettmann / Corbis

Spreading the Word
With the aid of a portrait of Lenin (hung from a roof, center left) a Bolshevik supporter (the bearded man standing at center) explains the new order of things to a group of peasants.

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov  Lenin Russian revolution october bolshevik communism USSR
Hulton / Corbis

The New Boss
Lenin, joined by his military commanders, marches through Red Square.