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러시아 최고의 풍경화가 Issak Levitan의 작품 Savvinskaya Sloboda near Zvenigorod The Birch Grove Evening on the Volga After the Rain. Plyos Above Eternal Peace Golden Autumn By the Deep Waters (study) Evening Bells By the Deep Waters
Donna Shook 작품 Donna Shook "Grandma's Button Jar" "Bowsfield Treasures" "Old Marbles" "Jill's Favorite Things" "Fresh Picked " "Amanda's Teapot" "Bermuda" "Fine Wines" "The Collection" "Treasures of the Sea" "Time in a Bottle" "An Old Fashion Spring" "Sue's Garden"
중국 누드화 중국 누드화
Istvan Sandorfi - 고뇌 Istvan (known as Etienne) Sandorfi was born in Budapest in 1948. His father was director of the American company, IBM, in Hungary. Because of this association he served five years in Stalinist prisons during the Communist regime and his family was deported to a..
지는 해 / 에곤쉴레 지는 해 / Oil on canvas / 90x90.5cm / 1913 문학을 한다고 설치고 다니던 시절... 적어도 그때의 노을은 술이었다 노을은 내게 술을 마시지 않고는 견딜 수 없는 그 무엇이 되어 있었다 그것이 '덧없음' 이었는지 '무상함'이었는지...그것도 아니면 그 둘을 초월한 우울한 진홍의 아름다움 이었는지... 막연한 그..
Hartley Marsden 1877-1943 (part 2) Pitcher and Dipper ca. 1918-1921, Oil on fiberboard Window, New Mexico 1919, Oil on canvas Still Life ca. 1920, Oil on paperboard Landscape, New Mexico 1922-1923 Landscape and Mountains 1922-1923, Oil on canvas Lilies in Rose Vase 1928, Oil on canvas Two Shells, December 1928, Oil on canvas Book and Ring, 2nd Version 1939-40, Oil on paperboard Canuck Yankee Lumberjack at Orchard Beach,1940-41 M..
세계 최고의 예술적 빌딩들 세계최고의 예술적인 빌딩들 미국, 시카고 스파이럴 타워 ■ 두바이, 레갓타 호텔 ■ 인도, residence antilia ■ 말레이지아, 페낭 글로벌시티 센트럴 ■ 중국 cctv headquarters ■ 러시아 타워 : 에펠탑의 2배의 높이 ■ 러시아, gazprom headquarters ■ 두바이, burj dubai ■ 미국, 아쿠아 제 2 롯데 빌딩(조감도?) 상리..