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새해에는 이렇게 살게하소서 / This New Year May I Live This Way - 아름다운 연주곡 모음



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This New Year May I Live This Way

WooRyeon, KyungHee Shin

This new year may I be a tree
which provides cool shades
for those who need a place to rest
under scorching heat of the day.
Let me be such generous tree.

This new year may I be  river water
that refreshes the hearts of those
thirsty and hungry of love and affirmation.
Let me be the water of love.

This new year may I hold on to my dreams
Let me stretch again my wings 
when I feel tired and hurt.
This new year give me new wings.

This new year may I rise again
never bending my knees before despair.
Though shaken and wobbly
Let me rise again like a tumbler that bounces back
Let me have a new hope

This new year may I love
sharing yet lacking nothing.
giving away yet never minding
Let me have tender love abundantly,
the real love that can embrace even sorrow.

This new year let me be a jewel
May I be polished and chiseled till I become precious.
so that I may be shining jewel even in the muddy dirt
and also even in the dark.
Let me be a precious jewel.


 한영번역 : 유샤인



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